Desserts for the Reading of the K.J.V.
by Tetman Callis
Issue No. 202 ~ March, 2014
What else but ladyfingers for Ruth?
What else but ladyfingers for Ruth?
Mrs. Harrow informs me over pot roast that she has always wanted to be a Deadhead. Odd that she never mentioned it during twenty years of marriage. Mrs. Harrow has always seemed content; we live comfortably with our two cats, Pussy and Dick, the latter …
Nothing sexier than watching someone masticate with their mouth open, saliva resinous and burning, turning to chalky grey rubber and an aching jaw
The boy immersed his hands into the sea of buttons, enjoying the feel of them crawling up between his fingers.
Arthur watched her silently ...
It’s been happening daily and I pray he doesn’t do this in front of my girlfriend or parents.
You believe her then, about where the blood came from, much like you believe certain things now, sort of.
I apply mint jelly—that gives the lamb a snap of freshness.
A woman dropped in every so often to tell you stories.
He wondered how far the trail went. He was out where he had never been, where the tall marsh grass grew up everywhere and the pines stood behind the marsh on the ridge.