account_circle by Kay Smith-Blum
Kay Smith-Blum was named Woman Business Owner (NWWA) of the Year 2013. She is a former President of the Seattle School Board and former CEO of Butch Blum. Inc. Smith-Blum resides in downtown Seattle.  Smith-Blum chaired the Downtown Seattle’s first marketing campaign, edited and published a seasonal magazine for 10 years and co-authored the “Every Man” inspirational series of cards & posters, published by Schurman, Portal Publications and Sawdust City. She is the author of two novels of historical fiction, currently being submitted for agent review. Her humorous essay, “Targets,” has been nominated for “Best of the Net” by Heavy Feather Review and others in her Virus Days humor series have been published by The Furious Gazelle, Quail Bell Magazine, Bewildering Stories and Down in the Dirt Magazine (printed issue Nov 2020). Her short fiction can be found at, Minerva Rising Press (Fall/Winter 20-21 print journal) and Fiction Southeast (Winter 2021). Twitter @kaysmithblum  Facebook/Linkedin Kay Smith-Blum Instagram @discerningKSB


Syon and Me

Issue No. 283 ~ December, 2020

A New York Times editorial by seems-like-a-smart-guy, Syon Bhanot of Swarthmore College, urges me to tamp down my desire to return to normal socialization. No one has to convince me to stay at home. My nails look terrible. Syon—I feel we are close enough after …