account_circle by Greg Fulchino
Gregory Fulchino holds a BA from Middlebury College and an MA in English from Boston College. He attended the 2007 Breadloaf Writers' Conference for his fiction and has worked as a political organizer, a high school teacher, and a translator for a Russian Folk Band. Currently he divides his time between working at a public library, trying to piece together a few not-entirely-regrettable paragraphs each day, and writing up bios for shelter cats at the MSPCA.


Time Capsule

Issue No. 279 ~ August, 2020

Remember when we stayed inside for days while skipping signals prophesized dire warnings and arcane terms crackled across our radios, our Bluetooth speakers?   Remember an unseasonable February, a mild March, a winter that had denied us snow. Weren’t we ready for a change?   …