account_circle by Edward Schmidt-Zorner
Eduard Schmidt-Zorner is an artist and a translator and writer of poetry, crime novels and short stories. He is writing haibun, tanka, haiku and poetry in four languages: English, French, Spanish and German and holds workshops on Japanese and Chinese style poetry and prose. He is a member of four writer groups in Ireland and lives in County Kerry, Ireland, since more than 25 years and is a proud Irish citizen, born in Germany. He was published in 36 anthologies, literary journals and broadsheets in UK, Ireland, Canada and USA. Writes also under his pen name: Eadbhard McGowan


Mirrors over the roofs of Paris

Issue No. 264 ~ May, 2019

Eric Leblanc left the train station Paris Saint-Lazare. The station clock showed at nine o’clock. The hands of the clock, looking down from the sandstone façade on passers-by, have made their rounds uninterrupted for decades even during the war.