by Duff Brenna
Book Lovers
Down to a Sunless Sea by Mathias B. Freese
reviewed by Duff Brenna
Issue No. 131 ~ April, 2008
It's a crazy but credible universe Freese has created. Every story glistens with bitter truths, edgy truths about twisted human relationships, lack of love, the inexplicable lives we live. Each says maybe you haven't experienced life this way, but many others have–it is their truth and one day you might know what it means to live a shadow figure yourself.
Guest Column
Intimate Lives of the Founding Fathers, Thomas Fleming, A Review
by Duff Brenna
Issue No. 153 ~ February, 2010
Goodbye Norman Mailer: A Brief Retrospective
by Duff Brenna
Issue No. 126 ~ November, 2007
The Go to Girl
by Duff Brenna
Issue No. 122 ~ July, 2007
"Ray was dangerous. He was volatile and he had killed men in combat (or so the rumors said) and he was admired on campus because of the novels he had written about war and because he had an international reputation and he always got respectful reviews... How did such a one ever get on the faculty at all? And tenured too! Ridiculous."