account_circle by Christin Rice
Christin Rice's work has appeared at Pif, Ray's Road Review, SoMa Literary Review, and Magnitude. Her writing has been performed with LitUp Writers, Bikram Writing and Quiet Lightning, and her story Bring Your Soul to Work Day was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. She blogs at and has a fondness for basements.


For George

Issue No. 188 ~ January, 2013

And so began George’s career. Boxes would appear daily, at least one somewhere among the eight floors. More often than not a sticky note would boldly declare its intended destiny, sometimes with an added “Thanks!” The basement floor was flooded with these, due to their brief half-life of stickiness.


Issue No. 165 ~ February, 2011

She concentrated-posture, frame, steps, smile-but by the time the song ended she couldn't help smiling, beaming really, and her partner let her go with a "gracias," and a slight bow.

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