people Antioch University Los Angeles

by Richard Luck

Published in Issue No. 110 ~ July, 2006

Post-MFA Certificate in Teaching Writing!

Antioch invites writers who hold an MFA in Creative Writing from any accredited
institution to apply. The one-semester Certificate program follows a low-residency
model. The certificate is not a formal teaching credential, but is useful to
MFA holders who:

  • desire to teach, but have little teaching experience.
  • are writing teachers wanting to learn more about the intersection of creative
    & expository writing pedagogies.
  • desire to improve their marketability as teachers.
  • have teaching careers well underway and seek to improve their current positions.

Post-MFA Certificate students

may apply for financial aid.

For more info about the Certificate Program, visit:

Antioch University Los Angeles

1-800-7-ANTIOCH or 1-800-726-8462

400 Corporate Point, Culver City, CA 90230

The Higher Learning Commission and is a member of

the North Central Association of the College and Schools

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Richard Luck is the Founder and Technical Director for Pif Magazine.