local_library Moldy Bucket

by Laura Gaddis

Published in Issue No. 291 ~ August, 2021

The closet.

The bucket.

Filled with potatoes

and possibly mold if we let

them sit too long

without an owner.


When people die

do we ever consider their potatoes?

Their carrots and onions

and cans of beets and white asparagus?


Their flour that might grow maggots and

their sugar that might clump

and their blackened bananas

that might slump into the bowl?



Without an owner,

The potatoes sit too long

and possibly grow mold

when the owner, herself,

cannot grow new cells.

The bucket.

The closet.

The urn.

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Laura is currently an MFA candidate studying creative nonfiction at Miami University (in Ohio). She has been published in Thin Air Magazine, The Avalon Literary Review, Adelaide Literary Magazine, Scary Mommy, Tiny Buddha, and The Mighty. She has forthcoming essays in The Kitchen Sink and Ligeia Magazine. She resides in Oxford, OH with her husband, daughter, and pug Rocky.