local_library Dirty Fingernails

by Jennifer Lagier

Published in Issue No. 290 ~ July, 2021

β€œGardening is an instrument of grace.” β€” May Sarton


I seek sunlight, haul poetry into spring garden,

settle among bearded iris, cascading alyssum,

scribble in my journal and read.


Swallows discover a white hair strand,

carry orphan ringlet under roof eave,

weave a piece of me into their nest.


A boorish jay perches on power line,

bobs and croaks, showing off for his mate.

I dead-head spent geraniums, pluck dandelions.


All in all, it’s a productive afternoon: solar vitamin D,

rough draft of new verse, only one broken fingernail,

soul soothed by industry, smudge of dirt on my face.

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Jennifer Lagier has published nineteen books, in a variety of anthologies and literary magazines, taught with California Poets in the Schools, edits the Monterey Review, helps coordinate Monterey Bay Poetry Consortium Second Sunday readings. Her recent books include: Meditations on Seascapes and Cypress (Blue Light Press) and COVID Dissonance (CyberWit).