local_library I tried meditation once

by Chelsea Logan

Published in Issue No. 273 ~ February, 2020


Without a tether, 

aimless all the more


I would find myself there

in the running water, 

in a stranger’s voice


top of the head

into the throat 

through the chest

down the spine


Eyes closed,

palms open


that’s where I found you  – 


tucked away,

entirely alive

just behind my throat.


I could have cried out 

as you moved up and down. 


top of the head 

into the throat 

through the chest

down the spine


I should have cried out.


There’s so much more to mourn!


But I thought of lunch,

of a souvenir,

of how silly I must look


there among the fanny packs and folding chairs,

so much insufferable earnestness.


Eyes open, 

palms closed,


Heaven and Earth

squarely in place.


You and I –


lifetimes apart.


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Chelsea Logan is a full-time Buyer, part-time freelance writer residing in Nashville, TN. She has served as a writer for The Tennessean newspaper, contributing a monthly editorial column. She has a degree in Psychology from The University of Memphis.