local_library Warning Signs

by Jack Donahue

Published in Issue No. 260 ~ January, 2019

I saw her ghost

pretending to be someone else.


After all, she never owned a small dog

leading her on his long, leather leash.

She would never wear purple-orange skintight pants

in public, stretched over a bent body

tucked into bright red sneakers.


She is too old for that kind of outfit.


Earlier that same day

three messages popped up on my screen,

blinking tote board warnings

miles apart on a darkened highway:

Everyone in my family threw me out.

That’s it! I’m done!

I am taking all of my pills right now!!!


Now I ask

just who gave her that cute little puppy,

a ball of white fluff cotton canine cuteness

and who is she

to let go of his leash

and let him run around loose

scraping tail and collar along

the asphalt shoulder of the highway

heading toward

what he thinks is home?


account_box More About

Numerous short stories and poems written by Jack Donahue have been or are soon to be published in journals such as: North Dakota Quarterly; Laldy (Scotland); Prole (U.K.); Poetry Salzburg Review (Austria); Armarolla (Cypress); Bindweed (Ireland); The Almagre Review and others throughout North America, India and Europe. His first book of poems, “Just Below the Surface” is set for a fall 2018 launch. A children’s picture book, “Come Play With Me By The Sea” will be published later this year. Mr. Donahue received his M.Div. degree from New Brunswick, Theological Seminary, NJ in 2008. He is married and resides on the North Fork of Long Island, New York.