local_library The Watch from Above

by Wendy Gist

Published in Issue No. 247 ~ December, 2017

Thrown into blue-green globe

Tick, clock, tock, bold,

Turning Earth, churning.


Breathe down rough winds and showers,

Tick, tick, timer, round and round,

Stirring rhizomes, seed pods and bulbs.


And now comes Iris-sewn elegance,

Displayed, hands gathering

The bruised blossoms


Withering perfume of


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Bio: Wendy Gist has had her essays, poetry and fiction featured or forthcoming in Amsterdam Quarterly, Glint Literary Journal, Gravel, Grey Sparrow Journal, Juked, Menacing Hedge, New Plains Review, Oyez Review, Empty Mirror Arts and Literary Magazine, Foliate Oak, Fourth River, Gravel, Grey Sparrow Journal, New Plains Review, Rio Grande Review, Soundings Review, Silver City Quarterly, St. Austin Review and many other fine journals. She is a Pushcart Prize nominee. A native Arizonan, she now lives in New Mexico where she serves as Co-founding editor of Red Savina Review. Gist is the author of the chapbook Moods of the Dream Fog from Finishing Line Press @ finishinglinepress.com.