local_library Brobdingnagian

by Nikhil Nath

Published in Issue No. 219 ~ August, 2015

Potatoes the size

Of a shopping mall,

Eggplant, hanging,

Like a mountain,


Has put on as ear rings,

Carrots, the size


Of a small lane,

And taller than cows,


Are green chilies, while,

Waterfalls, cascading down,


Get collected in

Giant pitchers, the


Size of a football stadium

And in a bus,


A man is carrying

A goat in a shopping bag.


How come I weigh

Four hundred kilograms


And my right hand

Is bigger than the national highway?






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Nikhil has been writing poetry for eighteen years. He has been published in various magazine in India, the USA and the UK. Nikhil Nath is his pen name. He lives and works from Kolkata, India. “Write rubbish, but write," said Virginia Woolf. This is Nikhil's maxim for writing. Allergo, Aji, Ink Salt and Tears, Laughing Dog, Linden Avenue, Ehanom, and Leaves of Ink have recently accepted his work.