by PF Duda

Published in Issue No. 192 ~ May, 2013

as i drive to work in a rag tag

pickup truck, shifting and shifting

the gears rolling and rolling,

i glance to my right over the swamp

as a white-blue sky breaks over

the rain-laden landscape, voluptuous

black swirling eddies of water dangerously

high. but only for a moment as

a sharp curve of road narrows

my focus (down shifting,

rolling and rolling)

night is still there,

purplish-black laying a-top an industrial fringe

land cum ghetto apocalypse.

as I am

still rolling and shifting down this

blighted lane, I come

to a gas station and pull in

for a coffee.

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PF Duda graduated Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa from SUNY Stony Brook and received his MA from Teachers College in the City of New York. He currently resides in Portland, Oregon. He maintains a blog at