local_library The Girl on the Hill

by Kellee Kranendonk

Published in Issue No. 293 ~ October, 2021

She sits on the hill and watches the world

She sees all the pain and hears them complain

They care about books, about gun-toting crooks

But no one can see

The girl on the hill


She sees all their memes, they give trolls voice

And it all drags her down, ‘cause it’s nothing but moans

And they always complain about the mundane

But no one takes note

Of the girl on the hill


It’s like she’s unseen, her voice is on mute

So sad it’s just she, that sees what they don’t

They’re vicious and mean, remotely obscene

But no one respects

The girl on the hill


The lie and they cheat and think it’s okay

No need to look themselves in the face

They’re in love with themselves and think they’re so perfect

But who’s going to love

The girl on the hill


The girl sees it all, and it makes her so sad

She knows they know better and always have had

But they’d rather throw stones then face the bald truth

So no one will listen

To the girl on the hill


The knowledge is there, the kindness, compassion

It’s there in the sun, the Earth and the soul

It’s there if they choose, but they turn a blind eye, and a deaf ear

And all of them blame

The girl on the hill


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Kellee Kranendonk has spent a lifetime writing. According to her late grandfather she was born with a pen in one hand and paper in the other. Her first publication, in a local farming magazine, was a piece about the raven that tormented her goat. Since then, her stories, poems and articles for both children and adults have appeared in many magazines, in e-format and hard copy. Kellee is the Fiction editor for the online magazine, Youth Imagination. She lives in Atlantic Canada with her husband, two of three children, an ADHD dog, two cockatiels (one of whom lived as a male until “he” laid an egg at six years old), and several chickens.