local_library My Walls Are That Of O’Keeffe


Published in Issue No. 291 ~ August, 2021

painted in a wash of mauve

surface cracked

burgundy stripes

here & there


catastrophe everywhere—

everything so bright

cobalt sky fuchsia kite

golden sun hung

suspended in blue

above emerald grass

lovers cling tight

bodies mounded like garden beds

spread across the lawn

passion blooming

holding & holding on


night a wash of black

everything together

below dots of crystal clear

here & there


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Michelle writes predominately from a female voice, focusing on love, loneliness, loss of innocence and how they are all interconnected. Her most recent publications have appeared in Pif Magazine, Zig Zag Lit Mag and Wild Roof Journal. She currently reside in Vermont within the small countryside town of Panton.