He couldn’t have a party because of the pandemic
He FaceTimed and Zoomed and Messenger Kidded
Smashed a pinata shaped like a Covid-19 molecule
Unexpectedly got to sled in April.
He FaceTimed and Zoomed and Messenger Kidded
We woke up to snow
Unexpectedly got to sled in April.
He requested to stay in his pajamas all day
We woke up to snow
Ordered take out breakfast from the diner down the street
He requested to stay in his pajamas all day
Watched the finale of LegoMasters
Ordered take out breakfast from the diner down the street
Made a giant chocolate chip cookie instead of cake
Watched the finale of LegoMasters
“it’s not the same as a regular birthday but it’s pretty good.”
My son thinks cookies are better than cake
He couldn’t have a party because of the pandemic
Life is pretty good still
Smashed a pinata shaped like a Covid-19 molecule.