new_releases A Scream Inside

by Kiana McCrackin

Published in Issue No. 283 ~ December, 2020

I always want to begin again.

Again, begin.

I should have done things differently.

I should have.


I hide in the not-doing.

By not doing.


Another way to avoid should have is to live in the should. 


When I lay awake at night, mistakes pile on top of me like the fresh snow at my door when I refuse to open. 

Regret feels like throwing up.

I should have done things differently.


Another way to avoid should have is to live in the should. 

I want to begin, again.

Again, begin.


Sometimes, I am nothing at all and sometimes I am a scream inside a small barren room. 



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Kiana McCrackin is a mama, a moon gazer, a little dreamer, a portrait photographer, and sometimes a writer.