by Cynthia Alby

Published in Issue No. 271 ~ December, 2019

There are none bolder than the buzzard


As the rust fist of dawn glares

The sedan, the pick-up, dodge the rotting deer

And those birds unfazed

(chainmail headpieces, night cloaks)



Blaring horn

Imminent threat

Pending obliteration

Maybe at the last moment

They will lift a lacquered wing

Buzzards playing chicken


And now it’s my approach

My interrogation

And who swerves first

I do


Always I do


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Cynthia Alby is a professor at Georgia College who is devoted to supporting others as they discover the power of teaching as a transformative activity. She writes and creates art on a farm called “Shangri-Baa” where she and her husband raise an endangered breed of sheep and share their home with a crew of rescued dogs.