In the solitude, I lay expiring
wondering what if, how come, why –
Staring at the white walls of wanderlust;
a canvas for possibility and
How many minutes of a life spent away
thinking, not acting –
what to show for oneself save the etchings on the wall
marking the time that has no meaning?
Confined to a space, a place, a state of mind –
a choice, or manifest destiny?
Held captive by the puppeteer, the prison guard
the hospital staff, the guardian assigned
the lifeguard on duty.
How powerless are we to define our own existence –
one of our own making but at the mercy
of our own mind?
In the silence, I hear agony –
the cries the pain the amorphic abyss of ambiguity
clawing at the hollow insides of human captivity;
A temple for transcendence
A house set on fire.
In isolation, I am deteriorating
Finding fault in a system that promised community.