The singularity desperately seeking itself is haunted
The pavement near the tram stop is haunted by someone who keeps tagging it with Pope 666
The word haunted is haunted
Sleepwalkers are poltergeists demonstrating peacefully at the rally in your dreams
Cities are made up of autotuned fractals which are ghosts
All statues are haunted by the ghosts of people’s pride
The bolts in the steelwork of the rollercoaster are haunted
The dream where your hands are too big for the gloves is haunted by yourself
All wishes are ghosts
To be caught looking at someone sideways is to cameo as a ghost
Every selfie ever taken is haunted by the other self
When you try to recall a foreign language that creeps up behind your face, you are a ghost
Whatever is ‘more than meets the eye’ is haunted
The staircase-eyed muse who will not settle for hearts as wings is a ghost
The deconstructivist & constructivist heads are always available for haunting
Non-constructivist heads are available for haunting
Ghosts that are trademarked in attics are not real ghosts
To be accused of perverting the course of nature trans-parently is to have daesin, and therefore, be truly alive. i.e. a ghost
Lo, the existential earwig accesses the social structure in absentia thus a black hole is born
Did anyone consent to the aerial view of history and GPS’s ventriloquy of ghosts?
In the afterlife, I admit your haunted hospital
Whatever is ‘more than meets the eye’ is haunted
Being unable to embody someone’s failed attempt at polyamory means we’re all haunted