local_library Nude Male with Echo #281

by Darren Demaree

Published in Issue No. 244 ~ September, 2017

The rooster has a little color.

I have less color than the rooster.

How dizzying, to be so pale

& so spun about by “not tonight’s”

that you crow in the dark

to justify your early rising. I am

mostly the music of understanding.

That is what my skin sings when I

allow it the audience of the field

& when my calves strain without

jumping, I know there will be no crop

where I have left the seed to hide.


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Darren C. Demaree is living in Columbus, Ohio with his wife and children. He is the author of "As We Refer To Our Bodies" (2013) and "Not For Art Nor Prayer" (2014), both are forthcoming from 8th House Publishing. He is the recipient of two Pushcart Prize nominations.