local_library My Howling Dog

by milton ehrlich

Published in Issue No. 244 ~ September, 2017

howls at the moon

in a mesh of darkness.

When he tries to speak,

all he can do is bark,

trying to tell me why

he’s so damn lonely.


He monitors news on CNN,

figures you can’t believe

what people say.

He wonders why men march,

beat drums, and wave flags?


He’s as peaceful as a sleeping possum,

and rescues victims of human mistakes.


He’s most at home in a junkyard

doing something useful,

guarding recycling.


Humans get lost, afraid of the darkness.


Dogs know there’s always a vein of starlight

in the black of night, and don’t even have a bark

for death.


Dogs don’t even think about anything

except infinite love. All they ever want

is to touch and be touched,

and maybe have a t-bone steak

once in a while.



Milton P. Ehrlich 199 Christie St. Leonia, N.J. 07605


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Milton P. Ehrlich, Ph.D. is an 85 year old psychologist and a Korean War veteran who has published numerous poems in periodicals such as Descant, Wisconsin Review, Toronto Quarterly Review, Rutherford Red Wheelbarrow, Shofar Literary Review, Blue Collar Review, Off The Coast, Blue Moon Literary and Art Journal, Huffington Post, and The New York Times.