local_library Lake Superior Anthem

by Mark Senkus

Published in Issue No. 231 ~ August, 2016

for Romas and Delphine



water falling against water,

the whispers of dreams in between,

silent footprints rest like

so many stones on the shoreline

granite, basalt, rounded and smoothed

pushing back against the waves

against the water that is their master

scent of fish, scent of lake weeds

driftwood bent, sagging with years

ancient sand, each grain

a minuscular defiance of time

and out toward the dizzy horizon

within the depths of its green blue layers

heavy with the onus and the promise

of its water

the eyes of a peasant reflect back

as those

of a humbled king.

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Mark Senkus was born in Detroit, Michigan, and for many years now has lived in a far corner of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula in proximity to a forest known as the Delirium Wilderness. Senkus obtained a Master of Social Work degree and works as a psychotherapist for a Native American tribe.