local_library Emily As We Were Crossing The Land Of The Light

by Darren Demaree

Published in Issue No. 227 ~ April, 2016

But the dust could never escape

the lack of its own weight

& the sun became oppressive


after a while, so Emily

& I kept walking into the crackling

dark, where it never mattered


what could escape

or what could be oppressed.

We were all together there


& the pieces of us that were ours

only we set aside to be offerings

to each other, above the dust.

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Darren C. Demaree is living in Columbus, Ohio with his wife and children. He is the author of "As We Refer To Our Bodies" (2013) and "Not For Art Nor Prayer" (2014), both are forthcoming from 8th House Publishing. He is the recipient of two Pushcart Prize nominations.