local_library Feathers are for Flight

by Richard Provencher

Published in Issue No. 205 ~ June, 2014

A bragging sun is a blister

of heat — as dew dries within

clusters of Birch. Silence


knows its name. Ruffed

grouse crouching.


Nature’s menu allows

marauders to seek and feast

upon her neck —

owl and fox scenting


as she boasts a feathery

prominence. Upright shuffles

prod her to safety


into deeper woods

— a bona fide destination.


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Richard L. Provencher has published poems and short stories in various journals in print and online. Some are in: Time of Singing, Parenting Express, Bacopa, Hudson View, Oak Foliate, The Penwood Review, Ottawa Arts Journal, and many others. His work combines a love of nature and contemporary issues. He and his wife Esther also co-authored children’s novels, which can be reviewed on their Website at: www.wsprog.com/rp/. They are married 38 years and have four children and five grandchildren. Richard and Esther live in beautiful Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada. They enjoy hearing from folks and can easily be reached at: richardprov2@gmail.com.