local_library A Violent Sound In Almost Every Place #201

by Darren Demaree

Published in Issue No. 202 ~ March, 2014

Let evening come

hand in hand

with the shadow


of sound, the push

gentle into dark,

where terror’s


eyes are closed

until they’re open

& engaged


with the snap/cut

crackle of a bolt

in your spine. If


you wake up

& are motionless,

the loud sound


of danger has you

already, has you



& grasping

for a sound smaller

than any sound.

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Darren C. Demaree is living in Columbus, Ohio with his wife and children. He is the author of "As We Refer To Our Bodies" (2013) and "Not For Art Nor Prayer" (2014), both are forthcoming from 8th House Publishing. He is the recipient of two Pushcart Prize nominations.