interviewed by Derek Alger
Kelly Cherry is the author of nineteen books of fiction -- both novels and collections of stories -- poetry, memoir, essay, and criticism. Cherry's short fiction has been reprinted in Best American Short Stories, Prize Stories: The O. Henry Awards, The Pushcart Prize, and New Stories from the South, and has won three PEN/Syndicated Fiction Awards.
by Ryan Gleason
My finger drifts along the books’ spines. I insist on being casual, skimming through hundreds of alphabetized names and titles as though they were one relentless, underwhelming sentence.
by S.J. Dunning
My dog leaps from seat to seat, window to window, shaken by
something so much larger than herself, by the wind’s thrust against her jowls.
reviewed by Richard Holinger
“Look! Up on the shelf!” “It’s a game!” “It’s a Ouija board!” “No, it’s a poetry chapbook!”