158 July, 2010

perm_identity From the Editor

According to Whom?

Issue No. 158 ~ July, 2010

It’s a simple phrase, an elementary question, but one which probably should be considered more frequently by people in general, and journalists, in particular, both print and broadcast, and that is “According to whom?” In an age where passions, and resulting generalizations run high, outlandish …

pages Micro-Fiction

Radio, Active Decay

Issue No. 158 ~ July, 2010

The cherries of our cigarettes pulse like exit signs outside the front door, drive away flies.

Lunch on the Grass

Issue No. 158 ~ July, 2010

They won’t ask realistic questions because they will be too shocked with style to fixate on content.


Issue No. 158 ~ July, 2010

She took the gnawed white pencil with the heart-shaped eraser and marked the wall calendar for that day with a V, pouting. “You were very mean to me today.” Her: in fur collar and short hair with plummy lower lip stuck out like that actress …

map Macro-Fiction

High Stakes Stuff

Issue No. 158 ~ July, 2010

I’d been half-hoping that someone like that might turn up. What a wonderful surprise this would be for him… these orderly grave beds, the paths so clean, this fence so nice and upright…

domain Industry

local_cafe Culture

portrait One on One

Brenda Eisenberg

Issue No. 158 ~ July, 2010

This feels like an important story to write. For one thing, it offers a fresh angle on the apartheid story, through the eyes of a young orthodox Jew. But also, it looks at powerlessness in the face of a system you feel you can’t change and how young people turn to extreme solutions when they experience that impotence.

Marisa Silver

Issue No. 158 ~ July, 2010

Marisa Silver, who made her fiction debut in The New Yorker when she was featured in that magazine’s first “Debut Fiction” issue, is the author of two novels and two story collections, her most recent collection, Alone With You, published by Simon & Schuster earlier …

local_library Poetry

person_pin Essay

Writer with Lap Dog

Issue No. 158 ~ July, 2010

I got a dog last week. My first dog ever, and this never should have happened. For one thing, I dislike dogs.

book Book Lovers


Issue No. 158 ~ July, 2010

Roberto Bolaño’s final novel 2666, released posthumously, is a sprawling literary tome. It’s the kind of work that possesses a staggering amount of angles, gliding through time periods, characters, both widespread and intimate violence, sexuality, and Bolaño’s expertise, the imagining and dismantling of artists.

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