import_contacts Poetry Super Highway

reviewed by Tom Hartman

Published in Issue No. 53 ~ October, 2001

The initial raison detre of Poetry Super Highway was to promote the
poetry and other activities of literary entrepreneur Rick Lupert. But
since its launch a donkey’s age ago, this site has evolved into both a
zine of sorts (there are submission guidelines) and a fairly rich
resource for all things poetry-related.

On the zine side of things, each week PSH showcases the work of two
featured poets. During a recent visit these were Dee Rimbaud, a
Scottish poet and artist whose work melds themes and images from
mythology with more contemporary subject matter, and New Yorker
Mariahadessa Ekere Tallie, who contributed the delightful “The Jazz
Musicians”, from which the following is an excerpt:

Who let the men

become ancient?

Their hands cracked

…sad as aimed guns

question mark spines

testify the constant lack

of answers and it hurts

to see them walk

moaning feet

In addition to the featured poets section (which includes both new and
familiar names), visitors to PSH will also find extensive links to online
publications and other poetry-related sites (if you check out these pages
be prepared to scroll), a forum where poets can post and discuss their
work, and, of course, an Amazon affiliate program bookstore where
selections include Hal Sirowitz’s Mother Said and the 2002
Poets Market

Lupert still pimps his own books as well, including I’m a Jew, Are
and several collections of poetry, which you can buy along
with newly minted PSH tee-shirts. Shameless capitalism, indeed — but
we should probably cut Lupert some slack for trying to make the odd
buck off of this honestly valuable labor of love.

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Tom Hartman has been a regular contributor to Pif since 1999. He lives in Philadelphia.