local_library One Day I Will Die

by Jason Shinder

Published in Issue No. 47 ~ April, 2001

How proud I am
      to be the center
            of a tragedy

      and again
            the same shadow.

Thank you God.
      Thank you shadow.
            Happy is the man

who looks into
      the deepest folds
            of his sorrows.

The soul, lost
      can be stirred.
            Thank you sorrows.

Thank you
      bottom of the river.
            Won’t you be forever?

No one else
      in sight.
            Soon I won’t

have to work
      to get attention.
            Thank you work.

Haven’t you carried me
            And thank you

      for holding me
            before I spoke.

And it does not good
      to give me a glass
            of water.

And it does no good
      to wipe the sweat
            from my forehead.

Not now.
      Not in the night
            with my eyes closing.

Thank you night.
      This time
            before I leave

I want to thank
      my friends.
            Thank you friends.

Thank you.
      What more could I,
            a dying man, want?

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Jason Shinder's second book of poems, Among Women, is forthcoming this April from Graywolf Press. He has edited several anthologies, most recently, Tales From The Couch: Writers on Therapy and is series editor for Best American Movie Writing. An interview with Jason is forth-coming in this Fall's AWP Chronicle. He is founder/director of the YMCA National Writer's Voice and Director of Sundance Institute's Writing Program.