local_library Adelaide Penguins in Warmer Seas

by Anca Vlasopolos

Published in Issue No. 46 ~ March, 2001


trees not merely melting, dropping their seasonal
froth but getting shorter softer till in the morning one day

you look out of a now much lower misshapen window
and they’re nothing but toadstools

edges of lawn now run greenly down sidewalk and street
street flows inexorably into the sewers

freeways clog under the advance of the slopes now seeking
their level like water

each day each step takes you longer in this plasticine
world left out through carelessness in noonday heat

and wherever you place your foot you are not certain
of firmness

soon you will have to adapt to all fours

as your hands too sink no matter how much you struggle
how little you move

you will know the calm panic unblinking stare
of giants no less than small rodents amphibians birds

ever so slowly swallowed
toward a crude digestion a dark refined return

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Columbia University Press published Anca Vlasopolos's memoir No Return Address in October 2000. She has published poems most recently in Poetry International, Natural Bridge, The Larcom Review, The Madison Review, and Barrow Street.