42 November, 2000
Countdown © 2000 – Ted Warnell


map Macro-Fiction

On A Scale of One to Three

Issue No. 42 ~ November, 2000

Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements on a scale of one to three where one equals a firm yes, two equals maybe, and three is a firm no. 1. “I sometimes find myself laughing at other people’s misfortunes, even though I’m …

book Book Lovers

The Rules of Engagement

Issue No. 42 ~ November, 2000

Bush is a connoisseur of the extended metaphor, able to plumb the depths of irony and emerge with the bittersweet truth of it unsullied by sarcasm or bitterness...

Jim the Boy

Issue No. 42 ~ November, 2000

Earley writes with enviable confidence and laid-back style. His sentences are superbly crafted, full of vivid imagery and well-chosen detail, yet they flow with an easy grace, carrying the reader along...

Lies of the Saints

Issue No. 42 ~ November, 2000

With efficient prose, masterful pacing and dialogue so true and fluid you can almost hear it aloud in the room as you read, McGraw assembles plots as parables, conversation as plainsong...

The Last River

Issue No. 42 ~ November, 2000

The success of Jon Krakauer’s Into Thin Air and Sebastian Junger’s The Perfect Storm assured a man-made torrent of books in the suddenly lucrative “Man versus Nature, Nature Slams Man” genre. But, as Todd Balf’s new book shows, just because a work follows an industry …

Nathaniel’s Nutmeg

Issue No. 42 ~ November, 2000

Giles Milton’s well-researched history provides an in-depth study of the battle between European nations – particularly the English and the Dutch – for access to and control of the East Indies spice trade. In reading Nathaniel’s Nutmeg, I only had two quibbles. First, the story …

local_library Poetry

remove_red_eye Memoir

build Craft

Rules of Torture

Issue No. 42 ~ November, 2000

Writing is serious play, but it is most certainly play. Dare yourself to do something in your work that you've never done before.

portrait One on One

Interview with Ken Foster

Issue No. 42 ~ November, 2000

Ken Foster, the author of The Kind I'm Likely To Get, talks about the genesis and growth of the KGB Bar Reading Series, compiling an anthology, and writing in New York without becoming a New York Writer.

Interview with Michael Collins

Issue No. 42 ~ November, 2000

Michael Collins, the author of the Booker Prize nominated novel, The Keepers of Trust, discusses his dual life as Microsoft programmer and best-selling author.

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