by Gerard Wozek

Published in Issue No. 18 ~ November, 1998

we swallow silk
and become enlightened
what is left for us to do now

you stare through
the Man Hungry preview video
at the quarter slot showcase

I like the torso shots
you say chewing through your cigarette butt
the smooth thrusts
and the way his hair blows in the wind

your clef chin is dripping
with my raw jasmine honey

I say

your eyes give back my whole desire
and the secret wish that we are absolved from our sins
and sweetly held in the palm of God
as Mahalia sings

at the end of the film
is a cautionary warning about condoms

you shut it out
become the lotus

you say
our skin is humming pore to pore
I say
body remember
and trust
this pulse
this sweat
this intent to merge and make manifest
the truth of the senses

we hold each to each
enveloped in the center
surrounded by petals of kisses


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Gerard Wozek teaches creative writing at Robert Morris College in Chicago. His work has appeared in Best Gay Erotica of 1998 (Cleis Press, 1998) and The Road Within (Traveler's Tales, 1997). His poems have been published online at Blithe House Quarterly, Recursive Angel, Slumgullion, and Gravity. His poetry video, Spirit of Place: Belmont Rocks, recently took People's Choice Award at the 1997 Poetry Video Festival.