local_library Sorbe’ Baba

by David Sutherland

Published in Issue No. 1 ~ October, 1995

The word is Latin
is pauper
read – plot, cover-up, subterfuge,
wake – bleary eyed, wide-nostrilled, hungover.
and since,
Future is selfish, knowing Past,
the honor of acquaintance,
is forever as next time.
(The thought is carpe diem,
its’ neurotic, convention).

Repeat the passageā€¦
Future is selfish, knowing Past
(a moment pleaseā€¦
the verb is satyr, the noun hoofed),
The song stellar, enlightened.
stutter, stammer, speak !
my Bodhivista, my belle
stand naked at flash-point,
shadow my eclipse,
play back this aura,
shake it out !
read – put it to rest,
go to bed.

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David Sutherland is editor of the online magazine Recursive Angel. Over the years he has had the good fortune of seeing his work published in magazines, journals and reviews, including Trincoll Review, Enterzone, Cyberkind, and Kevat of Brigham Young University.